Education extends beyond the classroom and for students in the Vail Valley, it is a chance to play outside and feel unencumbered by the pressure and demands of adolescence. The unprecedented access that our students have to the outdoors is not always utilized and through the Youth Trail Stewards program, we are able to support outdoor initiatives that connect our youth to local trails.
Our goal is to encourage responsibility and respect of nature, incorporating the ethos behind the Respect the Vail Valley campaign and fostering a culture of stewardship.
The access to public and federally protected lands is at a precipice and despite the uncertainty of what the future holds for this next generation of trail users, we are hopeful that the tools and resources available to them will inspire ongoing advocacy and protection of these wild spaces.

Youth engagement is a key part to all VVMTA programs. Through Soul Dirt, our exceptional Program Manager Shawna Wood, has cultivated a culture of resilience and courage through various events with local partners. She has worked with the Eagle Valley Outdoor Movement, among many other partnerships, to support youth programming with biking and hiking events.
Despite a very busy summer schedule, Sammy Chipkin, our Trail Operations Manager, has selflessly dedicated his time and energy to support the Rocky Mountain Youth Corps as they worked alongside the Trail Conservation Crew for a week or more each summer on projects throughout the Valley.
Students at Eagle County middle and high schools have also spent time on the trails and in the classroom discussing stewardship, learning basic maintenance skills, and developing leadership skills. At the end of the season, through collaboration with Walking Mountain Science Center, a small cohort of high school students spent a morning with Trail Stewardship Coordinator Molly to talk about the impact of trail usage in Eagle County and how to build sustainable trails.
In the winter, the International Youth Conservation Coalition provided many hours of time to volunteering at local trailheads with the Trail Ambassador program to discuss wildlife closures and user impact.
The Cycle Effect, YouthPower 365, Vail Valley Ride, and SOS Outreach all contributed to educational and maintenance efforts this season. We are excited to continue to connect with our students in the years to come!
How To Support our Youth Trail Stewards Program:
Donate now to support our youth with:
- Events & Training: Our youth is best engaged through events, whether they be on the trail or classroom
- Swag: They love stickers, bike bells, and other swag which strengthens their ability to remember the information they just soaked up
- Tools: Most of our tools are built for adults. We definitely could use some tools geared towards kid/youth!
- Snacks: Do I have to explain this one any further!?