Blog, News and Events

2023 Trail Survey Results

Thank you to the 191 community members who completed our 2023 survey! Your feedback informs our direction on what projects and programs we should prioritize moving forward. We will use your feedback to inform our land managers and decision makers on what the trails community wants to see and prioritize. Thank you for letting us

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Join Us: Map & Photo Tour of Our 2023 Season Successes!

A photo and map tour of the impact the VVMTA had on our community’s trails in 2023. Wow, what an amazing and fun year for our community’s trails!  None of our trail successes would  be possible without you; our volunteers, donors, partners and supporters. You make our trails great and our community a great place

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Ladies Trail Crew’s Impact Beyond Our Lifetime

‘What do you need? How can I help?’  These are the two most common questions heard during Ladies Trail Crew work nights.  How amazing is that?  Most times… the most daunting task of the evening is to answer these questions over 100 times in just a few hours.  Let me tell ya folks, we have

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Trails Forever: Trail Conservation Crew Recap

Three years have gone by since the Trail Conservation Crew’s formation. It’s hard to believe that much time has passed, but at the same time I wouldn’t believe you if you told me this crew was only three years young. The evolution that this crew has gone through over the last three years shows the

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Shop Local with VVMTA Business Members

From bikes, to skiing, to a home remodel, health services, banking, beer, and food our business members offer just about everything you need in our valley. We are fortunate to have over 30 local businesses and organizations that support us and our trails.  As you head out to shop, whether it be for the upcoming

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Trail Ambassadors – Doing our Part to Protect Wildlife

   Why does a trail advocacy group work so hard to protect seasonal wildlife closures? When we proposed to build the Everkrisp trail in 2017, we learned why seasonal wildlife closures exist and that our community was not informed or educated on their importance nor where and when they exist. Most people in our community thought

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Trails Forever: Youth Trail Stewards Program

We’ve heard it before, the youth are our future. This is true for many reasons but absolutely applies to our trails and public lands and that is why we have our Youth Trail Stewards program. The goal of our Youth Trail Stewards program is to instill a sense of responsibility and respect for our trails,

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2023 Adopt A Trail: To Our Community of Volunteers-Thank You!

Since its inaugural year, Adopt A Trail has amassed over 80 teams and thousands of total volunteers. This summer, 601 volunteers spent 2,135 hours digging drains, improving tread, and removing trees, committed to stewardship and maintaining the trails we love. There is palpable dedication within our community to preserve the trails in Eagle County. Spanning

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Soul Dirt Stories – 2023 Community Impact

It was another outstanding year for VVMTA’s Soul Dirt program.  Soul Dirt is designed to encourage sustainable recreation to create a stronger, healthier community. Over 500 participants enjoyed the benefits of time spent on the trails: outdoor access, social connection, and improved health and wellness, all while strengthening their stewardship of our public lands.  This

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The Trails We Love – Adam’s Way Connector

It’s small but mighty. It’s not even a mile of trail. And yet it’s one of the most exciting trail approvals this year. Connectivity, community and conservation come together to significantly improve not only the trail experience but the Eagle community as a whole.  The trails in Eagle are split into two distinct areas. East

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