Mission and Vision


To connect our community to the outdoors through sustainable recreation.


The VVMTA’s vision is a sustainable multi-use soft surface trail network connecting all communities in Eagle County to the outdoors. We envision a community of stewards striving to conserve our public lands through sustainable recreation opportunities. Through trail access and experiences, the community will improve its mental and physical health, quality of life, and economic vitality.


The VVMTA advocates for soft surface trails, manages trail stewardship programs, maintains and builds trails, coordinates and trains volunteers, educates outdoor recreational users, and creates opportunities to access the outdoors. We provide our expertise, resources, and experience to support local land managers in various soft surface trail initiatives.

Commitment to DEI

Building Trails to Justice. 

The VVMTA believes diversity, equity and inclusion are at the heart of a just society. These values are central to our vision and drive our commitment to create safe and welcoming trail systems for all. We strive to cultivate a culture of acceptance for staff and community members that affirm different lived experiences. We acknowledge the exclusion of Black, Native, Hispanic, Latino and LGBTQAI+ populations from the outdoors and believe in the importance of representation. We are dedicated to creating accessible opportunities, both within the VVMTA and on the trails. 

As an organization and as individuals, we will account for our own bias, identify our inclusivity shortcomings and do the work necessary to impactfully integrate justice initiatives into our work. Our approach is grounded in education and centers the voices of those who have been excluded from the outdoors. 

We will advance our efforts to hire, engage and retain diverse employees and board members.  We will prioritize employee education and training opportunities that promote inclusion and equity. We commit to language justice—we will translate written materials and provide bilingual programs. We will evaluate our progress, own our mistakes and continue to build trails to justice.


Your donation and support of the Eagle County Trail Fund supports our mission, vision, and allows us to execute programs, events, and operations including:

  1. Adopt A Trail
  2. Adopt A Trail Wildlife Ambassadors
  3. Volunteer Opportunities
  4. Improved sustainability and user experience of existing trails
  5. New trail construction
  6. Local and regional trail system planning and funding
  7. Trail crew leader and volunteer training
  8. Educational and community events
  9. Organizational management and operations
  10. Public lands access and advocacy

2022 Annual Report

Read the Full Annual Report Here

We are pleased to bring you our 2022 Annual Report.  You can read the full report here or click on an image below.  Thank you for your continued support which truly allows us to further our mission of connecting our community to the outdoors through sustainable recreation.

History of VVMTA

Coming from Michigan and Vermont Jamie Malin and Peter Geyer had been involved in trail building with their local IMBA chapters. They saw firsthand what a group of passionate trail enthusiasts could do to improve their local trail network. One evening Peter and Jamie were talking about how much better riding could be here in the Vail Valley. Unlike most they decided that talk was cheap and if they did not take action maybe no one would. They formed the Vail Valley Mountain Bike Association in 2011 along with John McDade. Passion for building sustainable trail led them to meet others like Lee Rimel and Jeff Thompson and soon they were digging in the dirt.

In 8 short years the VVMTA has become a force in the Vail Valley rallying locals to work in their backyards on their favorite trail. By building a small army of experienced trail crew leaders VVMTA can handle volunteer days of up to 300 people. Planning and advocacy can be powerful tools when working with local land managers. The VVMBA re-branded to the Vail Valley Mountain Trails Alliance (VVMTA) in April of 2019.  This re-brand was to better align our organization with the efforts and advocacy that we have already been performing on trails in our community.  Read about the full re-brand here.

The VVMTA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  Donations to VVMTA may be tax deductible.  Consult with your tax advisor for details.

VVMTA’s tax identification number is 45-1539710.

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