Eagle County Department of Human Services

Adam's Way

Trail: Adam's Way Connect with our Team Leader for detailed information.   For information on the Adopt A Trail program contact Erinn at erinn@vvmta.org Please Bring/Wear: - Closed Toe Shoes - Gloves - Water/Sunscreen/Snacks - Sunglasses - Long Pants (recommended) Sign Up Here:

Soul Dirt – Paseo en Bicicleta de Montaña con Eagle Valley Outdoor Movement (EVOM)

Haymaker Avon

¡Gracias por inscribirse para montar en bici de montaña el 24 de agosto a las 5:30-7:30pm! Por favor, planee reunirse con su embajador VVMTA el sendero Haymaker. Hay aparcamiento cerca de la piscina y la pista de hielo. Todas las edades son bienvenidas. Habrá comida y bebida. Cuando rellene el formulario abajo: Seleccione "Haymaker" en […]

The Kind Bikes and Skis (I)

Berry Creek Edwards

Trail: Berry Creek Connect with our Team Leader for detailed information.   For information on the Adopt A Trail program contact Ernest at ernest@vvmta.org Please Bring/Wear: - Closed Toe Shoes - Gloves - Water/Sunscreen/Snacks - Sunglasses - Long Pants (recommended) Sign Up Here:

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