Trail News & Updates
2024 Annual Report
Our public lands need us: A community call to action
We Are Hiring – Join Our Team This Summer!
Shop Local with VVMTA Business Members
We Are Hiring!
Youth Trail Stewards Program 2024: Our Future at Work
Trail Ambassadors 2024: Teachers of the Trail
Soul Dirt 2024: Trails for All
Trail Conservation Crew 2024: Heavy Lifting Trail Work
Adopt A Trail 2024: One Drain At A Time
What considerations go into building a new trail?
Stewardship of the Trails We Love
Gratitude for You, Our Trails Community
The Scoop on Poop in the Backcountry
Rails to Trails – Tennessee Pass Rail Line
The Gift of Fall: Gratitude
Check out the most current trail conditions before heading out this Spring. We do our best to update trail conditions but we need your help to let our community know what you see out there. Please provide any trail condition beta to the sources below:
- VVMTA Trail Conditions Facebook Group
- Trail Conditions Page via Trailforks
- Mountain Bike Project trail updates
- Instagram and Facebook posts
All three of these are only successful with you, the trails community letting others know what you are seeing out there!
Please join us on a photo and map tour of the impact the we had on our community’s trails in 2023.
None of our trail successes would be possible without you; our volunteers, donors, partners and supporters. You make our trails great and our community a great place to live.
Between the Trail Conservation Crew, Adopt A Trail teams, Trail Ambassadors, volunteer trail crews, and Soul Dirt…we had a pretty busy and successful year! Please check out our StoryMap from the 2023 trail season and celebrate our collective successes together.
Looking to join in on the fun and help out our trails? Check out our calendar to see upcoming volunteer events. Registration and details are located in the event on the calendar. The VVMTA Volunteer Trail Crew meets every Wednesday night and the HTC Volunteer Trail Crew meets the first and third Tuesday of every month. Stay tuned to our calendar, social media, and newsletter for updated information.

Schedule by VolunteerHub